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Stevens Rehen is a neuroscientist at the D’Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR) in Brazil, and serves as a Research Fellow at both Promega Corporation and the Usona Institute.
He is an Affiliated Member of the Latin American Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS). Among his honors are the National Order of Scientific Merit (Commander, Brazil) and the PEW Latin American Program Fellowship in Biomedical Sciences. He holds an unpaid professorship at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and has been recognized with the International Fiocruz Servier Award for Neurosciences and a Fulbright Visiting Professor Award.
Stevens Rehen is Member of the Committee of the Museum of Tomorrow. He also served as President of the Brazilian Society for Neuroscience and Behavior.
His current research focus is on the effects of psychedelics on human cerebral organoids and Caenorhabditis elegans.
He is the author of more than 100 scientific articles published in international journals and ten book chapters.
Together with colleagues from California, Stevens is author of the first papers describing the existence of genetic mosaicism in the human brain.
Stevens was a pioneer in culturing human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), neurospheres and brain organoids in Brazil.
He led the team that described metabolic alterations linked to schizophrenia using reprogrammed cells.
In 2016, Stevens and his crew published one of the most cited scientific papers about zika virus, demonstrating the association between infection and microcephaly.
The model of human brain organoids employed in that manuscript has been used in order to identify new compounds against the effects of Zika virus in the developing nervous system.
Stevens is active in scientific outreach activities including podcast and TV shows. He is the coordinator of ArtBio and Curator at Rio2C.
> Lattes | Publications
National and International Awards and Titles
2023 National Order of Scientific Merit
2021 Best Film 'Hertha Meyer sou eu', International Film Festival - National Archive
2018 International Fiocruz Servier Award for the Neurosciences
2015 Health Award - 10 years in the category Mental and Emotional Health, Health Magazine and Abril Publisher
2014 Researcher of the year 2013 – Full Researcher Category, BioTech-Space
2013 Award LIDE HEALTH 2013, LIDE – Group of Entrepreneur Leaders & LIDE HEALTH
2011 Motion of Praise and Applause, Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro
2011 The 100 most influential people in Brazil in 2011, Época Magazine
2011 Award Makes a Difference, O Globo Newspaper
2010 Motion of Congratulations, City Hall from Caxambu
2009 The 100 most influential people in Brazil in 2009, Época Magazine
2009 The 8 Brazilians who are positively shaping the future of the country (Fora de Série Magazine), Brasil Econômico Newspaper
Academic Awards and Titles
2020 Fellow Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar Program, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
2015 Best Poster in the Biology Field, 25 th Brazilian Conference of Microscopy
2014 Honored Professor in the Graduation of Biomedical Sciences (Class of 2010.2) in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ
2012 Research Productivity (level 1B), CNPq
2012 Correspondent Member in the Medical Academy of Mato Grosso, Medical Academy of Mato Grosso
2012 Member from the Judging Committee (Mental and Emotional Health) Health Award 2012, Abril Publisher
2011 Third Place on Juarez Aranha Ricardo Award (to his PhD student Rafaela Sartore), Brazilian Society of Neurosciences and Behavior
2011 Honorable Mention in the Natural Products Category (to his PhD student Cleide Souza), Experimental Biology Societies Federation
2011 Best Poster at the International Congress on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis (to his PhD student Mariana Stelling), Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory
2010 SBBC Young Researcher Award (to his Master’s Degree student Rafaela Sartore), Brazilian Society of Cell Biology
2009 Affiliate Member, World Academy of Sciences for the developing countries (TWAS)
2009 Research Productivity (level 1D), CNPq
2009 Incentive Award in Science and Technologyfor the public health system (SUS) 2009, Ministry of Health
2009 Affiliate Member, The International Society for Stem Cell Research
2008 Affiliate Professor, Federal University of São Paulo
2008 Honorable Mention for services rendered to the Society, Regional Council of Biology, 2 nd region (RJ/ES)
2008 Young Scientist from our State, FAPERJ
2007 Class of 2007 - The World Life Sciences Forum, BioVision.Nxt (Lyon, France)
2007 Affiliate Member, Brazilian Academy of Sciences
2006 TWAS-ROLAC First Regional Conference, TWAS
2006 Research Productivity (level 2), CNPq
2005 Society of Fellows Annual Meeting Award, The Scripps Research Institute
2000 Pew Latin American Fellow, Pew Latin American Program in the Biomedical Sciences
1998 UFRJ/FUJB Award – Honorable Mention, UFRJ/FUJB
1997 Predoctoral Student Travel Award, American Society for Cell Biology
1996 Award – 48 th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science – Best Work – Master’s Degree level – Biological Sciences, SBPC
1994 Roberto Alcântara Gomes Award, Best work in Biophysics, Fesbe
1994 UFRJ/FUJB Award, Honorable Mention, UFRJ/FUJB
1993 UFRJ/FUJB Award, Honorable Mention, UFRJ/FUJB
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